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by Administrator 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Open Thought Space wiki
Project ideas and work in progress, the thought space analog of open notebook science
Books, Classes, Course Materials, and Syllabi
Philosophy (Continental)
- Philosophy of Improvisation
- Complexity: Reading List and Mathematical Methods
- Scale-emergent Journal Club
- Simondon Reading Group
- Technology Philosophy resume and projects
- Overview of Philosophers' Key Points
- Technology Philosophy - New Conceptology (see YouTube video)
- Philosophy Projects (2013)
- Digital Art and Philosophy (2013) (class syllabus)
- Intro: Slides (English), Video (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German language), transcript (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German)
- Ethics of Perception in Nanocognition
- Intro: Slides (English), Video (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese), Transcript (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German)
- Full talk (English): Video, Transcript.
- Global Epistemologies Project
- Live Philosophy Workshop proposed at Singularity University (inspired by Digital Art and Philosophy course)
- Principia Posthuman
- Research Interests
- Philosophy Projects (May 2012) (core theme: thinking about modern technology and its impact on lived human existence)
- Deleuzian Feminisms anthology
- Kingston University program (website, readings), Injustice List
Big Data
- Data analysis tools
- Standard quantitative analysis models
- AlchemyAPI
- Apache Solr text analysis tools
- SketchEngine
- Weft QDA (qualitative text analysis)
- Datameer data analytics
- Pentaho BI platform
- 3rd party Pubmed search tools
- Dendogram (hierarchical data clustering trees)
- Regression
- Classification
- Principle component analysis
- Fourier transforms, Fast Fourier transform (FFT)
- Markov state models, hidden Markov models
- Entropy analysis
- Distribution analysis (e.g.; power law, Gaussian, etc.)
- Progression analysis (e.g.; linear, geometric, exponential, discontinuous)
- Qualitative math
- Network node/group theory/graphing theory analysis
- Complexity, chaos, turbulence, and perturbation modeling
- Receiver–operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis
- List from R Tutorial
Future of Life Sciences
Future of business and economics
Future of Technology
Fun ideas
Back to the MS Futures Group website
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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