Global Epistemologies Project

Global Epistemologies

Developing, valorizing, and making accessible narratives and epistemologies from a multivocity of critical thinkers in the value system and point of view of their own voice (e.g.; race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and neuro-diversity).

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TO DO: Summary of key points from these thinkers that have updated our thinking on different topics.



Bye-Bye, Babar (Or: What is an Afropolitan?) (Taiye Selasi 2005)

What is an Afropolitan? (Taiye Tuakli-Wosornu 2007)

Native American DNA: Tribal Belonging and the False Promise of Genetic Science  (Kim TallBear 2013)

Bolivar Echeverria (Vuelta de Siglo 2006)

Bryan Carter (technology; using virtual worlds to study African-American literature)



Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity (Julia Serano 2007)



The Misfit of the Family: Balzac and the Social Forms of Sexuality (Michael Lucey 2003) Interlude and Chapter 3

How to Be Gay (David Halperin 2012)

Female Masculinity (Judith Halberstam 1998)



Poetics of Relations (Edourt Glissant 1997)

Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and Paradigms of Political-Economy: Transmodernity, Decolonial Thinking, and Global Coloniality (Ramon Grosfoguel 2012)

The Dilemmas of Ethnic Studies in the United States Between Liberal Multiculturalism, Identity Politics, Disciplinary Colonization, and Decolonial Epistemologies (Ramon Grosfoguel 2012)



Autism, Asperger's, Schizo voice (Artaud)