New Concepts

New Concepts in Philosophy

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The philosopher's responsibility is to invent new concepts to help understand and create the modern world. Here are some examples:


Fourth-person Perspective

The always-on technological gadgetry of the contemporary era provides an objective perspective on subjective experience that was previously inaccessible, for example regarding happiness and the functioning of memory. This perspective stands alone as, and is different from the first, second, and third-person perspective, ergo fourth-person perspective.


Assertion-free Philosophy
The philosophical analog to model-free methods in Artificial  Intelligence developed by Monica Anderson. This means proposition-free philosophy, e.g.; that philosophy should be more expansive than the analytic philosophic frame allows. (More information)

Epistemology 2.0


QS-y Concepts

The new epistemologie - quantitative, qualitative, and conceptual



An empathic epiphany (empathy + epiphany)



(like queer, gender, decolonialism, inequality, (Fanon/Ranciere), focus on capacity.......)


Next Node Philosophy (how concepts shift and evolve over time)


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